Friday, February 24, 2012

Second thing

I decided at the last second to put this into another post. It's something for my multimedia techniques class:

John Everyman For President!
                Isn’t it time for a new man in the White House? Shouldn’t we have someone who isn’t corrupt and evil like every other president who has come before? Don’t you want a president who cares about you, the working man, and isn’t trying to pick your pocket with new taxes or armed thugs? Then you’ll be happy to know that there’s a candidate for you! One who isn’t just another man, he’s Everyman! This coming election, when they hand you that ballot, write in the name John Everyman!
                “I know it’s hard in these troubling times,” said Everyman, “that’s why I’m planning to give the whole thing an overhaul.”
                He’s not just man, he’s Everyman, and he thinks just like you do. He’s not like the Obamas and the Republicans of the world who thinks that people who don’t make enough money should all be exported to the tiny island of Fernando Po off the coast of Cameroon in Africa. When he’s president he’s going to make some real changes in this country, changes that will really get things turned around so that everything’s going in the right direction again. When John Everyman is elected president he’ll turn this United States of America into a country that will be good for every man and woman living here.
                The first change that Everyman wants to make is to “reinvent this economy so that it can work for every American in America.” His three step plan is to, first, close the banks and every business in the fifty states for a week. This is to make way for the second step, which is to take all the money in every bank, business and person’s possession and put it into a giant vault. The third step is to then take all that money and send it back out to the people in the form of a check for one million dollars.
                “If we send every person a million dollars, then every person in this country would be a millionaire, this will stimulate the economy and make this country great again,” said Everyman.
                The second plan that Everyman has for this country is to keep kids off drugs. “The problem is that every man wants to do drugs because they seem ‘cool’ and they make you feel ‘hip.’ If kids knew just how uncool they were, then they’d definitely never want to do them.”
                Everyman says that the best way to keep kids off drugs is to start a whole new initiative in school policies to introduce children, in a totally safe and calm environment, to every illegal drug all at once. He says that “allowing them to take drugs in class will show them just how uncool it is to take drugs, and which drugs are more uncool than the other ones.”
                Everyman also wants to put changes in laws by illegalizing all fruits and vegetables. “If we illegalize healthy food then kids will think that fruits and vegetables are cool, this will stop them from doing drugs, get them eating right and stimulate the economy. And remember kids, don’t do drugs. You are drugs.”
                Everyman also has plans for the war on terror, “Things just haven’t been right in America since America began. That’s why I think we should pull out of both Iraq and Afghanistan and go to war with the people we should have gone to war with to begin with: England.”
                According to Everyman, restarting the Revolutionary War will help to make America great again, “And don’t worry folks, this time we’ll be prepared at Lexington and Conchorde, plus we won’t let Benedict Arnold anywhere near our war plans. It will help Americans and it will help the economy.”
                So this November, when you go down to that voting booth, don’t just vote for any man: vote John Everyman!

Haven't posted in a while...

I've had terrible writers block towards anything really creative lately, but here's some things I did for school that amused me.

The first thing is this obituary we had to write for ourselves the week in my Media Writing class:

Is there anyone more famous in this day and age than Nathan Mitchell? A man who took the steps and went the distance to single handedly take over every country and city on the face of the planet. Though many have called him evil, it’s hard to deny that Mitchell has touched each and every one of our lives.
                Not much is known of his early childhood, or even his young adulthood. Mostly because all records of information on the past was destroyed in The Information Revolution of 2052. But, when he first stood up in that nigh-indestructible robotic body and commanded his robot army to kill all humans and enslave the rest, it can’t be denied how much of an impact he had on human-kind after this event.
                But today, sadness rings out across the world. Nathan “Dr. Death” Mitchell has died on August 27, 2200, at the age of 215. After being the self-proclaimed Horrible Dictator of the World for more than 100 years, his other accomplishments include inventing the technology to create a terrible robot army programmed on world domination, enslaving the entire human race and, of course, illegalizing free thought.
                Nathan died by the hands of his wife and co-ruler of the world: Helga “the Terrible” Mitchell, after the couple were arguing over what the fate of the human race ought to be, Nathan wanting everyone to continue being slaves that worked 23 hours a day with no breaks, and Helga wanting to kill everyone and replace them with robots. Though cause of death, at this point, remains unclear, it is highly suspected that the use of nuclear weapons was used in order to pierce Dr. Death’s nigh-impenetrable, robotic hull.
                “I didn’t really mean to kill him,” said Helga, “it was just a lover’s quarrel that got out of hand.”
                Helga would be prosecuted for first degree murder had Nathan not illegalized laws in 2156.
                Nathan is survived by his wife, Helga, and their robot children, Bob, Tom, Richard, Susan and The Destructionator. His brain shall be put on display in the Mitchell Museum of Mayhem for the week before our robot replacements come and kill us all.