Thursday, December 22, 2011

God's Response

Yo Nate-Dogg,
‘Sup? Not much going on up here, just chillaxin’ for the holidays. Don’t know about everyone bein’ my son and daughter, but I done a lot of crazy shit in the 70s, a lot I don’t remember clearly, so maybe, na’mean?
Savior? Jesus Christ man, sometimes people are good, and then sometimes people are good, nawadimesayin’? Jesus was just a good guy. He promised peace in the face of oppression and practiced passive resistance, kinda like my home-boy MLK. Now there was a savior, na’mean? If you think your day n’ age needs a savior maybe its time for you to step up yo. Though maybe work on yo public speakin’ skills man, people don’t listen to ya if your not making sense, nawadimesayin’?
End of the world man? I got some crazy shit planned for next year but ending the whole world seems a bit extreme, na’mean? People have been spoutin’ about the end of the world since the world began man. Don’t worry about ‘em and just try to have a good time yo. That’s what I do.
Hey, I’m not really one for answerin’ questions yo. I like keepin’ the dark and mysterious thing goin’ on, na’mean? The ladies love it anyway, but I guess since it is Kwanzaa soon I can do you a solid, but we’ll just keep it between us, a’ight.
Taunt you? That’s not like me man, na’mean? People are always blamin’ me for that kinda shit and it’s really just not my thing yo. Your friend gives the women he fucks a chance to have sex without any emotion at all, except maybe hate. Of course, hate tends to transform into love since they’re so closely related nawadimesayin’? If anything I’m showin’ you exactly how not to behave with women man, maybe I gotta punish ya here and there when you step out of your bounds man, and why try to get laid all the time anyway man? It’s a fools game and it always has been, na’mean? Stop thinkin’ with yo’ dick and get back to work.
Nathan, I gotta be serious for a second man. Your born into a world where everyone does not hate you, most people don’t give a shit about you man and the ones that do just think you’re a troubled guy na’mean? I’m sorry you think I dealt you a bad hand in life, but you had to see the evils of the world man and no one ever learns shit after a certain age. I don’t know why, it’s like all you people suddenly think you know everything about everything, but I digress. You had to know Nathan!! I could tell you why right now but I’d rather not spoil the surprise na’mean?
As for people thinking you thinking that yo’ bedda than everyone. That’s only true of people who they themselves think that yo’ bedda than them, a’ight. If I were you I’d just leave that one alone, people can think what they wanna think, nothin’ I can do about it, na’mean?
People not carin’ about one another? I think you might be exaggeratin’ a little man, but I can see why you think that. Apathy’s kinda common in the world today, na’mean? It’s because evil is so rampant that everyone just has to shut things out in order to keep from going crazy. Don’t worry man, this too shall pass. Evil times will, as they always do, give way to times of Good, just wait for it, you’ll thank me later.
The same three things all seem to be just one thing if ya ask me. I know sometimes it seems like everyone’s having sex but you, as if I’m just dangling out in front of you like a dead fish for a cat only to pull it away every time you think you’re close enough to grab it (and maybe I am, just a little) but here’s what I have to say to that, and I think this may be the best advice for you ever: QUIT YOUR BITCHING AND GET BACK TO WORK!!! There are people out there, older than you, who are still virgins a’ight? Sex is not the end all, be all of everything, and it’s definitely not a competition whatever anyone wants you to think. The people who believe these things are really just looking for any excuse to think that they’re better than other people, na’mean? And most of the time all they have is more STDs, or worse: children, than other people. Stop thinking about it, it’s just a waste of time, if a girl doesn’t want you it’s her loss a’ight. Yo’ might not be good at talking to women, but fuck that and start concentrating on something you are good at instead, nawadimesayin’?
I’m not really one for making big spectacles anymore, but I’ll think about doing somethin’ cool lata’ on. Really I don’t think the world is ready for me again, maybe in another couple hundred years man.
A’ight, me n’ my ol’ lady are gonna be havin’ a groovy shindig for Kwanzaa next week, you should come up if yo’ want. Oh and it’s not God anymore cause that’s, like, my slave name. It’s Yahweh now (oh, but don’t say it out loud, na’mean?).
Peace out,
Yahweh (just don’t say it, a’ight)


  1. While I could write thousands of words commenting on a variety of issues you addressed here, I'll just touch on one general thing.
    In any creative medium, the works that truly move me, inspire me, and cause deep thoughtful reflection, are almost always created by a troubled mind. I don't mean troubled in the sense that one suffers from a psychological disorder, though they may, but more in that the artist is very sensitive to the myriads of sensory inputs that surrounds them.
    To me, only those who have experienced suffering can really appreciate happiness. And the function of the artist is the mythologization of the environment and world. Now replace the words suffering and happiness in the earlier sentence with other interchangeable ideas, for example loneliness and love, or hunger and satisfaction, then consider the second sentence about the artists functions as you do this.
    That experience that is unique to you is what lends to the ability to create something that normal people cannot, your role is to allow those whose skills lie elsewhere the chance experience that feeling or function in a way that modern life rarely allows for, with the disconnect of religion in modern times and what not. Whether you choose to clothe that idea in song, dance, or word matters not, as everyone experiences art in their preferred form, many unknowingly.
    I can understand your frustration, for I feel we have much in common in how our minds work, but if you prescribe to my outlook on creative people and how they experience the world versus others, it certainly helps.
    Hmmm...this is getting rather lengthy, I feel like those ideas need fleshed out more to make my point without it being misunderstood, but alas, I can never articulate any thought without dropping a wall of text on someone...

  2. An excerpt from Campbell's the Hero with a Thousand Faces:
    "The unconscious sends all sort of vapors, odd beings, terrors, and deluding images up into the mind-whether in dream, broad daylight, or insanity; for the human kingdom, beneath the floor of the comparatively neat little dwelling that we call our conscious, goes down into unsuspected Aladdin caves. There are not only jewels but also dangerous Jinn abide: the inconvenient or resisted psychological powers that we have not thought or dared to integrate into our lives. And they may remain unsuspected, or, on the other hand, some chance word, the smell of a landscape, the taste of a cup of tea, or the glance of an eye may touch a magic spring, and then dangerous messengers begin to appear in the brain. They are dangerous because they threaten the fabric of security into which we have built ourselves and our family. But they are fiendishly fascinating too, for they carry the keys that open the whole realm of the desired and feared adventure of discovery of the self. Destruction of the world we have built and in which we live, and of ourselves within it; but then a wonderful reconstruction, of the bolder, cleaner, more spacious, and fully human life- that is the lure, the promise and terror, of these disturbing night visitants from the mythological realm we carry within."

    Had another in mind that worked better but was reliant on you knowing the story of King Minos, the labyrinth, Daedalus, etc. Anywho, thought you might like that.

  3. Lengthy? I feel that you quit right when it was getting good.
