Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Some story Ideas

I need to start writing stories again. Been kinda fucking around a lot, I mean I like writing random posts (it is called Ramblings after all) but I need to start writing something serious. Especially since its Christmas break and I have all this free time all of a sudden. So here's a bunch of story ideas for me to think about and maybe the few people who follow my blog can help me decide on one to concentrate on.
1. God As a Hitch-hiker: this is an old idea I had as a short film and tried to write as a short story but I never thought of an ending. I still think it's a good idea, God comes to Earth in human form and someone picks him up while he's hitching a ride. God explains that he's on vacation because he likes to party and enjoy life essentially, and he never really got the hang of being God anyway.
2. A Very Long Suicide Note- That's not the actual title (never thought of a title) it's about a guy who's about to kill himself, but before he does he wants to write his whole life story out. But he's immortal and has been alive since the beginning of human history. I say history because we've been around for something like 1.8 million years but I was thinking his story would start something like 10,000 years ago. Hunter-Gatherers and whatnot. I feel this idea could be a very long one, like a whole series of books.
3. Uluru: Uluru is a small town I made up not too long ago, it would be a young adultish novel because my main character would be a boy about 14 just entering high school and he and his dead-beat dad have to go live with his grandma on his mothers side. Uluru itself is a very strange town filled with magic and wonder and just really weird stuff. Like zombies and whatnot. I actually have a full plot synapses of what the first book would be (I don't know if I'd write more than one, but young adults sure do love their series). Maybe I'll write the storyline on here next, I don't know.
4. Petty Crimes: This is a book idea that I was writing for awhile (until I lost my confidence) about 5 guys. 4 who are career criminals and one who's a writer who's kind of a big drug user. The idea was that I'd write the story as if my fictional writer was writing the story and it would have chapters in between chapters that would be other stories or sections from books that this writer would have written. They'd go along with the rest of the story, somewhat, originally my Captain Ahab vs. The White Hole was going to be one of these stories, but it was bad when I first wrote it. And I think the completed project of that wouldn't fit anymore where I had planned on putting it.
5. My Own Worst Enemy: Another short film idea, which I could probably rewrite as a short story. It was about a guy who suddenly discovers he has a split personality and they don't get along. I wrote this whole film long before the show with the same name and a similar plot came out starring Cristian Slater. Except he was a spy and my guy was just a normal guy. Speaking of which...
6. Normal People: This was a full length movie I was writing with a friend of mine, well I was writing it and he was just helping with the story. It's an action-comedy about some people vacationing in Florida witness a crime and then have to escape from the guys who did it. Actually forget about this one, I'll just leave it in screenplay format and finish writing it sometime.
Well, there's more than that but that's enough for now.

1 comment:

  1. Two and three receive my vote of confidence. I'd like to hear more about both! Is Uluru being conceived with a dark tone in mind? Considering the young boy entering high school, deadbeat father, and sudden move to grandparents, which may imply life/financial problems, it certainly has the potential to head that direction.
    Without hearing more, I can only say two and three, as I'm known to favor sci-fi/fantasy elements in any creative medium.
