Friday, December 23, 2011

Here's another story Idea

This is one I thought up awhile ago and I've actually been working on it today but it's been really slow going so I'll just tell you the plot.

The Seven Deadlies (or something): It was and still is a comic book idea for the Marvel Comic universe. It has nothing to do with House of M or anything thing like that though, so mutants should be still fairly present. I was just working on writing the first chapter of it but I didn't realize that I needed to do a lot more research than I thought (at first my thought was none). Plus I kept getting stuck.
I called it The Seven Deadlies because I wanted to base them all off the seven deadly since but that name might change. They're a super hero team, or more like a super anti-hero team. They don't commit crimes they just protect the super villains from the heroes as they commit the crimes. Anyway, here's the team. Evan Crumley helped me think up some powers for a few of them.
1.Lust: Already on the team in the beginning, she's the one going around recruiting everyone. She's a shape-shifter and no one knows what she actually looks like. Also a sex addict, or at least she was until she joined the team.
2. Sloth: Also on the team right away, mostly because there wouldn't be much in the ways of recruiting him. He's a couch potato that's always smoking weed and playing video games ALL THE TIME! At first everyone thinks he doesn't have a power, or any use of any kind. And maybe he doesn't...
3. Greed: The first to be recruited. His power is that he can unlock the hidden powers from inside items. Pretty much anything that can be touched has a hidden ability that he can unlock. Starts off as a career thief, mostly just stealing for his own personal gain but sometimes takes other jobs.
4. Pride: She's a high level executive and is built like an Amazonian woman. Really dumb, but so totally full of herself she acts like she's smart and pretty much the best at everything. She's the strong one, she has super strength and is nigh invulnerable.
5. Envy: He's an old bum at the beginning. Think grey haired and smelly. His power is he's a puppet-master meaning that he can control people with his mind. Except he doesn't just control them, he becomes them. Seemingly sleeping in alleys and on park benches he takes over people and lives their lives because he doesn't like his so much. But he can escape, everyday a new person to become.
6.Wrath: She's the calmest person in the world until you make her angry. Then she goes fucking nuts. She's not the Hulk, she doesn't transform or anything and the other people on the team aren't too sure she really has a power so much as a mental condition. I never decided what she was before she was on the team, I'll think of something...
7.Gluttony: He's super fat, but has a wormhole in the back of his throat that leads to a form of zero space which for him means an unlimited amount of storage space. Kind of the weapons expert since he can always seem to pull out any gun or weapon or anything else you can imagine from the back of his throat. Except food of course, he just eats the food.
So that's my super-villain-super-hero team. I'm not sure if I can write about say them fighting Spiderman or anything without being sued, but I just wanted to write how they got together before I started doing anything like that.

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